Production of electric components and stators
Call us: +386 5 36 49 121
Products and services
We also offer cutting of cables and wires to the desired lengths.

We manufacture stators used for BLPM and AC motors and alternators from 24 to 230 V.
Stators are wound by hand and by machine, but hand winding is being phased out in line with investment dynamics. This will reduce production costs and significantly increase quality, which is checked in the process with a control device that also enables keeping statistics.
Stators are manufactured using modern Statomat winding machines (type A2), which are computer-controlled and can therefore be quickly adapted to a new stator type. For the production of stators, an insulation machine, a coil winding machine, a stator pack coil machine, intermediate and final calibration machines, a wire stripping machine, a varnishing and painting machine, a welding machine and a control device are used.

Thermal sensors and thermal switches
Since the beginning of 2010, we have also been manufacturing thermal sensors and thermal switches for electric motors.
If the stator winding/motor overheats, the motor can be switched off using electronics and a thermocouple. We manufacture more than 60 different thermal switches using basic Thermik thermocouples and about 15 different thermal sensors using sensors (KTY84, PT1000 and STS series). Thermocouples can also be made to order.
60 different thermal switches
Thermocouples can be made to order
Sensors (series KTY84, PT1000 and STS)
Thermocouples by Thermik
Wire and tubing cutting
We use the Schleuniger EcoStrip 9300 for cutting wires and various tubes. It efficiently and accurately processes wires and cables with an outer diameter of up to 6 mm and flat strips up to 13 mm wide.

It is this combination of components that defines Vibeks gensets as high quality, durable and easy to use. We offer two types of gensets. The GVS models are single-phase generators with 230 V output voltage and capacitor voltage regulation. The GVE model is a three-phase generator with 400 V output and mixed induction and electronic (AVR) regulation.
If the gensets in our range of products do not meet your needs, don´t hesitate to contact us and together we will find a suitable solution for you.
About Company
VIBEKS d.o.o. was established in 2005 for the large-scale production of stators for the needs of Iskra Avtoelektrika, d.d., from Šempeter pri Gorici.
In 2005, VIBEKS d.o.o. started producing stators for BLPM motors and alternators, and now we are also winding stators for AC motors, as the demand for this type of stators has increased dramatically worldwide.
The availability of staff and space allows us to further expand our activities into other fields, and we are interested in cooperating with companies that could benefit from our services.
VIBEKS d.o.o. is committed to establishing itself in the development, manufacture and sale of electrical components and products, both domestically and abroad. Furthermore, it is the company´s goal to preserve jobs for local people in the long term and to be able to create new ones.
VIBEKS d.o.o.´s mission is to meet the needs of its customers with excellence, which is reflected in the high quality of services, performance and experienced staff. The company provides a safe and creative working environment with opportunities for personal and professional development. VIBEKS d.o.o. is a growing, well-organised company, based on responsibility towards its employees and a responsible attitude towards the natural and social environment we live in.
- FLEXIBILITY: knowledge, abilities, innovation
- PARTNERSHIP AND TRUST: towards customers, suppliers, employees
- CREATIVITY: motivating employees to present new ideas
- EFFICIENCY: economic efficiency, business stability
Our production premises cover about 600 square metres, and we currently employ 38 locals.
Vibeks d.o.o. was established in an area where there is no other employment, so we also provide social security on the Gora plateau and in the municipality of Ajdovščina. Our company has no negative impact on the environment, as the concentrations of harmful substances are very low, good air purification is ensured and modern machinery with low energy consumption and low noise levels is in use. We have closed cooling systems to cool the machines, so no process water is used.
Due to the increase in production and the resulting lack of space, a tent was added to the existing building, which is used as a warehouse.
To maintain our competitive edge, we ensure the highest quality of our products. Stators are manufactured with modern winding and control equipment. Electrical checks are carried out several times during the manufacturing process to detect any faults as early as possible and thus minimise stator rejects. We have also introduced traceability for our products to meet customer demands.
Since 2008, we have had a quality system certified to ISO 9001:2015, and since 2019 we have also been certified to the ISO 14001-2015 environmental standard. We have been manufacturing stators for 20 years and during this time have gained experience of great value.
We want to avoid environmental impacts for the benefit of people and nature, so sustainable environmental protection is one of our strategic objectives. As of 2019, the environmental management process as defined by ISO 14001 is being implemented.
Our products meet the highest demands for ecologically sound raw materials, auxiliary and main materials, energy use and environmental compatibility. By optimising our processes and procedures, we have significantly reduced our resource and energy consumption.
Vibeks d.o.o. was founded on 10 June 1999 under the name Elektro Benjamin Vidmar s.p. for the small series production of stators for the needs of the then Iskra Avtoelektrika d.d., now Mahle EDS d.o.o. from Šempeter pri Gorici.
We started cooperating with Iskra Avtoelektrika d.d. on manual winding of stators because it was not economically viable to buy winding equipment due to the smaller volumes. However, due to the very rapid replacement of collector motors with brushes by brushless motors that was taking place in the transport equipment industry worldwide, there was a rapidly increased need for stators for BLPM motors and AC motors, which are the basis of Iskra Avtoelektrika d.d.´s know-how. Because all the infrastructure already existed at Predmeja, and due to the lack of space at the parent factory and the strategy of Iskra Avtoelektrika d.d. to keep only the assembly and inspection of finished products in the parent factory, the decision was made to move the large-scale production of stators from Šempeter pri Gorici to Predmeja.
In 2005, the organisational structure of the company was changed and the company was renamed Vibeks d.o.o., and with 16 employees the production of stators for BLPM motors and alternators was started; now, Vibeks d.o.o. is also winding stators for AC motors, as the demand for this type of stators has increased considerably worldwide. The availability of staff and space allows us to further expand our activities into other fields, and we are interested in cooperating with companies that could benefit from our services.
Prototype and sample stators are still wound by hand, as are small quantities for which it is not economically viable to buy winding equipment.